Category Archives: Tutorials

Art Project! HTV plus Ink Pencils

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Is it time for True Confessions? Here’s mine: I’m not an artist. That’s not to say I’m not creative. It just means that I can’t really draw, or paint or sculpt. Nothing like that. I certainly wish I could, as I get great ideas that are then rather tough to execute! Last year, an online sewing friend introduced me to… Read more »

Frosty Jack

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Custom requests give me all the feels! Fear and trepidation, inspiration, creative impulse, more fear(!)…determination, and finally, if I’m lucky – exhilaration! That exhilaration pushes me forward to accept new custom orders.  A recent project was a great example. A prospective client reached out with a request for a Jack Frost costume. She sent me this photo, which is an… Read more »

Tutorial – Tying a Sash Bow

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There were so many great things about the years I spent working for Chocolate Soup as an Accessory Buyer. One of those things was a little lesson I had from our longtime warehouse manager, Loretta. She showed me how to tie a pretty sash bow. Easily. Every time. or this one… It’s not difficult. You need a method to follow…. Read more »

Puttin’ on the Ritz!

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I’ve had my head down since before Thanksgiving, focused on sewing projects. Things like this… and this… and a few like this… I am finally surfacing – and just in time for Dance season to begin! One of my more popular posts from the past is a tutorial I did on making doll tights from adult sized socks. Did you… Read more »

Pink and Polka Dotty! Mini Tutorial on simple, fingerless gloves

 I stitch up many custom requests for Cheer Uniforms and Dance Costumes like this one: made to match these photos: Girls costume photos from the Weissman dance costume company website which you can find here: This one looked fun! I got started on pattern work and made this garment first. Pretty close! But… I was disappointed that the bodice was… Read more »

Free Tutorial: Making Doll Tights from Adult Size Knee Sox

A couple of years ago I found a Pinterest post or two that said you could make doll tights from a pair of sox. Wow, great idea! Except that every tutorial I found left me pondering. What were the measurements that worked? What size sox were these? Could I use sox that didn’t seem to stretch much? Last year, I decided to… Read more »